Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Celebrating Victory Over La Raza

I am celebrating a great victory today over the end of the racist La Raza Studies (Mexican-American/Ethnic Studies) They were found to be illegal here in Tucson, AZ. Kudos to John Huppenthal, Superintendent of Public Instruction for investigating and defeating the program. No more "self" segregation by the very teachers who are supposed to be fighting against segregation based on the color of your skin. No more indoctrination of our children, no more pedagogy of the oppressed being thought at our public schools at tax payers expense. It is time to focus on academic and empower these children with an education that will help them be productive members of society and achieve the American Dream!

Kudos to TUSD board for finally seeing the light and acknowledging that keeping the program (in spite of being against the law) would only hurt the children by losing more than $10 million in State funding. I challenge the AZ Daily Star to publish the truth on La Raza about being honest with Tucson about the curriculum used to indoctrinate our children to start with? Somebody at the Star should be paying more attention!
NPR interviews Huppenthal on the subject here

Mercer  is quoted on the subject in the Arizona Daily Independent, May 12 2012
“The people of Arizona, through the Arizona Department of Education and duly elected Superintendent Huppenthal have acted in a responsible manner to protect and serve the children of our community. After years of working with educators and legislators, the Tucson Unified School District Governing Board acted on behalf of our community and stopped offering classes which create hate and resentment, and more importantly Obama and Grijalva voters. 

“If there was ever a compelling argument made against the Department of Education and in support of local control it is the events of the past few years and more importantly the past few days right here in our community."

Grjalva, only 13 days later, was calling for a federal investigation into the law that made this possible,  (ARS) 15-122 , which he calls “bad public policy and fundamentally flawed,” in a letter to federal education officials

“This is not about one group of people wanting special treatment,” Grijalva said in sending the letter. “This is about a successful educational program with a high graduation rate being shut down for purely ideological reasons. Public education isn’t supposed to be politicized in this country, but that’s exactly what’s happened in Southern Arizona and the students are losing out because of it. The Department of Education would do a great public service by conducting a full and fair investigation into whether this power grab is authorized under federal law.”

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