Thursday, July 19, 2012

A lesson in irony

A lesson in irony.
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is actually proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.
This ends today's lesson

Equating the nation's needy with wild animals that should not be fed lest they grow "dependent on handouts" did not sit well with many of her voters. The growing outrage saw thousands of comments online and on her Facebook page that let her know, in no uncertain terms, that they would not be voting for her. The outrage continued on the internet, with one writer saying "the firestorm began and the hatred for her was stirred up to a frenzied pitch". In the days that followed, Saucedo Mercer proceeded to weed out unfavorable comments, comments in particular that called into question her belief that the United States is being taken over by communism and socialism.

Her response?

1. A method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense [the irony of calling a stupid plan "clever"]
2. An instance of this
3. A combination of circumstances or a result that is the opposite of what is or might be expected or considered appropriate.
4. The feigning of ignorance in argument.
 I  submitted to her in comment, the following:

Here's a new word for you to look up:
com·pas·sion [kuhm-pash-uhn] noun
1.a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.  
I got no response from Mercer. But the good folks at Latino Rebels demanded an answer. They wrote Saucedo Mercer via email and received this reply ...  

I removed the post because I wanted the focus to get back on the real issue: The need for jobs to decrease dependency on government programs. I believe in the American Dream–it is part of my life. It is NOT the American dream for 1 out of 7 Americans to be on food stamps. The original analogy was not mine nor do I take credit for it, but it was to make a statement that aligns with my beliefs: the American Dream is about success, independent achievements and strong families to continue to assist the next generations to achieve their dreams. If almost half of our population is dependent on Government entitlements, we will continue to perpetuate a cycle of poverty.

The words on the FB post never compared people on food stamps to animals in the wild. It only describes an ironic issue but of course people like you and those who get excited about "controversial issues" will sensationalize it and go on the attack of character instead of addressing the real issue. How about you and your "supporters" doing a story on how great would it be to allow the free markets to create jobs for people who need them, people who are on food stamps or other governmental assistance when they are capable of having a job so they can provide for their families and be able to pay their rent or their mortgages. We all know there are people on Welfare and food stamps that really need them but we also know that the government wants more and more people dependent on such programs to keep them as devoted voters and keep them dependent so they can control them. Food stamps and Welfare programs only rob people of their dignity and perpetuates the problem. Like that famous saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime."-Unknown

Gabriela Saucedo Mercer hasn't yet been elected ... she is still "one of us" a civilian, as one would have it, with a primary and general election still ahead of her  ...  But she has mastered the art of  distancing herself from her potential constituents as if she were a lifelong office holder. Anyone who has tried to contact a representative knows what I am talking about here. No direct response, no direct addressing of the questions posed to her, just a blanket party-line statement in the belief that she can make it all go away ... as if we'll just forget it ever happened ...

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