Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why am I doing this?

Douglas Robertson
I have been asked why I have developed and am promoting this blog. It's a fair question. Why do I have an axe to grind against candidate Gabriela Saucedo Mercer? I don't live in her district, I live in Los Angeles. Why do I have a personal vendetta against her?

First let me say that there is nothing personal here. I do not know nor have I ever met the woman. Secondly, the answer is that if elected, Ms. Mercer will bring to the federal legislature a profound absurdity not unlike that exhibited by Michelle Bachmann, who is presently on an unfounded McCarthyist tirade against a "deep penetration in the halls of our United States government" by the Muslim Brotherhood. I find this dangerous because Mercer's decisions will affect all of us, as Americans. I'd rather not have her hand in federal legislation, and my guess is that once her voters know the facts, they won't want her either.

The Mercer Wedding
Ms. Mercer has a lot of good qualities, ones that I respect. She emigrated to the U.S. in the 80s, learned English, became a naturalized citizen in 1991, worked for a (yet to be disclosed) defense contractor, has been married 24 years with 3 children and on the surface seems a stable and upstanding citizen, and I am sure she is. I admire her ambition, her drive, respect her beliefs and her desire to create a better world for her children. She is no doubt a good citizen of the United States.

It's just that, according to her "Meet Gabby" webpage, she "became more and more concerned about the direction that her adopted country had taken in recent years". It's this concern that bothers me, and should equally bother you.

As this blog will attempt to illustrate, Ms. Mercer wants to legislate to ALL of us, not just in her little corner of Arizona but to the entire country, what SHE believes to be "right". I feel that, and I believe the evidence will show, that Ms. Mercer's belief of what is right is no more than a pathological fear of the unknown, and her perception of that unknown is unhealthy, inexcusable, and unworthy of federal office.

When I read about her "Feed The Animals" comment on her Facebook page, I, like many others, became outraged and expressed myself as such in the comments section. What was obviously to her a harmless reference was in fact quite insensitive, and more than merely offensive it displayed a disdain for others that shocked me. As I read more of her posts and musings, it became clear to me that this was a mere example of her insensitivity, and that her political flaws were much deeper than a cursory examination would allow. As I posted more comments, I found that I was being censored by her (or her camp) to the point where I was finally banned as spam from her Facebook. My comments were neither threatening or offensive, but I did challenge her ideology. Well, I guess that's her prerogative, it's her page. But let's remember that she is running for public office. Banning unfavorable speech is ... well, fascist and communistic - the very things Ms. Mercer claims to abhor.

So, out of frustration, I took to this blog and am trying to get the word out about what I perceive as the dangers this woman represents. I hope to provide verifiable information about the candidate and invite you the reader to investigate on your own the evidence I present here. I welcome any and all comments and look forward to reading your thoughts.

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