Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mercer Villifies Mohammed

In a recnt comment on Facebook, Gabriela Gaby Gabby Saucedo Mercer was reminded by a visitor that in response to her statement that Middle Easterners only goal in life is to destroy America, Jesus and his followers were Middle Easterners. Mercer, running for a seat in the House of Representatives, a national and international politacal stage, said the following:

Gabriela Saucedo Mercer "Yes, Paul Dombrowski, Jesus was Jewish from the Middle East but neither him nor his 12 pals were terrorist wanting to harm anybody. Jesus' message was about LOVE and salvation until the prophet Mohamed came and wanted to get the message of Jesus all turned around claiming to be the "new" prophet" [emphasis added].

As a follow up commenter articulates, her belittling of Mohamed might just be an even more callous statement than the previous one. It certainly might be perceived as such in the Middle East, where today the ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, has been killed in an attack. The mob that assaulted the U.S. Embassy was irate over an anti-Muslim video publicized by Pastor Terry Jones. His hateful rhetoric may be partially responsible for the death of four people. According to the New York Times, officials said it was possible that an organized group had either been waiting for an opportunity to exploit like the protests over the video or perhaps even generated the protests as a cover for their attack.

Is this the kind of leadership skills Gabriela Saucedo Mercer has? Shouldn't we be looking for cooler heads to lead us through the dangers of religious rhetoric? Could she possibly be less diplomatic? Perhaps Ms. Mercer would be well advised to leave her religious views at home, and to concentrate on some real issues that affect the people of her district.

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